
About Me
Harry's Home Improvement Blog

Hello, my name is Harry and this is my home improvement blog. Welcome! On this blog, I will be discussing many different home improvement and construction topics. I should explain that I am not a professional contractor. However, I have just come to the end of a home renovation project which took over 2 years to complete. During that time, I worked with dozens of different contractors in order to get my house into shape. I have spent hours working alongside plumbers, electricians, surveyors and roofing specialist. I learnt so much about their different trades that I decided to start this blog.


Questions to Ask Before You Subdivide Your Land

10 December 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

One of the long-term investments you can consider today is to own land. After a while, you can always choose to sell it or develop it to earn more from it. One of the solutions you can consider if you'd like to maximise your returns or add value to the property is land subdivision. But before you start, there are some aspects you need to consider to make informed choices. This post will be sharing top guidelines to ensure you don't make mistakes when subdividing your land. Read More …

How to Get Your Retail Space Ready for Its Next Tenant

10 November 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you own a shopping strip in a busy town or city, you will want to keep as many tenants as possible in place so that you can maximise your revenues. Occasionally, however, one of your tenants may decide to move on after many years in place. You will need to ensure that you refresh the space in question as soon as possible. Yet it is not just a simple case of moving the old tenant out and the new one in, so what do you need to bear in mind? Read More …

5 Essential Work Zone Safety Tips for Road Construction and Maintenance Contractors

6 October 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

The warm Australian weather welcomes the busy road-work season. That implies a myriad of road construction and maintenance work zones on major highways, interstates and streets. Besides, this is the time when many people travel to different destinations nationwide for vacations. Therefore, road construction and maintenance contractors need to observe extreme work zone safety. Read on to learn five vital tips to keep your workforce and other road users safe. Read More …

Reasons to Hire a Professional Contractor for Residential Demolitions

31 August 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

One of the ways to deal with old and out of service buildings is demolishing them and constructing new ones. Demolishing a house is not as simple as getting the excavators to bring down structures. You have to think about the possible complications that may arise, the impact that the demolition might have on the environment, and the easiest way to bring down the building. There are also laws about demolition, and you might find yourself in trouble with local authorities for carrying out activities that are against the law. Read More …

Four Indispensable Tips for Using Scaffolding for Residential Renovations

11 August 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you are preparing for at-height residential renovations, you should think about acquiring a scaffold for your needs. Working at elevated places can be dangerous and may result in accidents. Therefore, you must ensure that there is a stable supporting base. Scaffolding is preferred over alternative platforms because it has exceptional balance. Also, using the structure is quite easy. Additionally, the set-up and dismantling processes are not time-consuming. However, you should note that improper usage of the units can lead to inefficiencies or even injuries in the workplace. Read More …